Sale Ends in:


This sale has completed and orders are being processed. You will be notified when your items are ready for pick up.

Welcome to the UNI FCA t-shirt campaign. This sale has been organized by the UNI FCA leadership team. Orders can be placed through December 9th at 11:59pm. All items are printed upon completion of the sale, then shipped for FREE and will be available for pick up at an FCA event or at Ken & Lynn’s house  Individual shipping options are also available. If you have any questions, email or talk to a friend on the leadership team! 

All orders will be processed following the completion of the sale. They will then be printed and can be expected to ship 2-3 weeks after the sale’s close date. Due to the ever-changing availability of items and timing of a sale’s opening and closing dates, if we are unable to produce the advertised item, a similar and equal value item may be substituted.