Sale Ends in:


This sale has closed and all orders are being processed. You will be contacted by your school for pick up instructions.

Welcome to the Northeast Iowa FCA Team Store. Order your FCA gear and customize your color to represent your school. The sale will be open through Wednesday, October 25rd. SHIPPING FYI: All shirts will ship for free to the NE IA FCA office, and then be distributed at your school. Please be aware that your personal address is necessary for processing at checkout. If you have any questions, please contact Ben Schmidt at or (319)721-3038.

All orders will be processed following the completion of the sale. They will then be printed and can be expected to ship 2-3 weeks after the sale’s close date. Due to the ever-changing availability of items and timing of a sale’s opening and closing dates, if we are unable to produce the advertised item, a similar and equal value item may be substituted.